Sunday, September 7, 2008

Radio St Helena broadcast November 15

Radio St. Helena Day 2008 will be broadcast on
11092.5 KHz in USB on Saturday, 15. November
2008 as follows:
Times UTC Target areas
20:00 - 21:00 Japan
21:00 - 22:30 Europe
22:30 - 23:30 North America

Because of the very long "Revival" and "Double-
Anniversary" transmissions in 2006 and 2007 and the
especially heavy workload at Radio St. Helena during the
entire second half of 2008, it was decided that RSD 2008
would be reduced to the above schedule. It is hoped that
the times have been chosen so that reception in all areas
will be acceptable.
The QSL procedure is the same as in 2006 and 2007,
and the QSL address is :

Radio St. Helena , P.O. Box 93 ,
Jamestown , St. Helena ,
STHL 1ZZ , South Atlantic Ocean

Wishing everyone excellent listening conditions,
Laura Lawrence ,
Station Manager
Radio St. Helena

Robert Kipp
(via Mark Nicholls)

(Via ARDXC- Australian DX News - September 2008 Newsletter)

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Raleigh area 2 Meter Packet

144.390 APRS
145.010 BBS Backbone
147.540 W4RAL BBS
145.825 Sat?

Saturday, November 10, 2007

CHWO 740 QSL card and Certificate

Hello all,
CHWO-AM 740 Toronto, which has been family run since 1956, has been sold (pending CRTC approval) and no doubt some changes will be coming. We have heard that the general format will not change for now but that's about it. The new owner may not want to continue having someone issuing QSL cards on their behalf. I will certainly do my best to convince them in hopes this will continue.

Last year they celebrated their 50th birthday since the station first started up on November 17th, 1956 on 1250 kHz and the 6th anniversary since moving onto 740 kHz back on January 8th, 2001. It has been in the same family all this time and NEVER changed format.

So............I think its time to celebrate both achievements with a special QSL card AND certificate that is open to everyone. This card and certificate will capture both the old and new of CHWO in pictures and information. But there is a catch. You have to send in two reports.

Here is the criteria:

1/ You must send in two separate, correct reports: November 17th, 2007 and
January 8th, 2008

2/ You must hear the station between 0000 & 2359 (EST) on those dates. (+5
Hours UTC)

3/ The usually information will be required for the report:

(a)Program material (at least 10 minutes of specific program material heard: e.g., name of announcer, commercials heard, news items, song title and artist, etc. You can also make a short recording of the station and send it as an MP3 provided it contains some of the specific program material noted earlier);

(b)Signal/sound report (a general overview of how well you heard the signal at your location and the sound quality of the program.)

(c)Mention of the type of equipment and antenna you were using to hear the signal is helpful information as well.

4/ You can send the reports in after each date or together after January 8, but I must have both for the special QSL.

5/ If you plan to go after the special QSL, mark your reports as 'Special QSL.' A report for November 17th but not followed up by one on January 8th will receive a regular QSL only (unless you already have received one in the past.) I will post repeat announcements prior to each date.

Thank you all for your support in this endeavour and the future of QSL from CHWO, AM 740, Toronto.

Feel free to pass this notice along and good luck to all.

Brian Smith -
AM 740 -
Reception Reports -
Yahoo Group -
(Source: Brian Smith, ODXA)
Additional information on CHWO and QSLing, please refer to:

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Russian bomber exercises near Alaska and Canada

By Associated Press

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) - Russian warplanes staged at least seven exercises outside U.S. airspace near Alaska this summer, and each time U.S. or Canadian fighter jets were dispatched to escort them, U.S. military officials said Monday.

The latest exercise came Sept. 19 and involved two planes flying somewhere off the coast of Canada, said Maj. Allen Herritage, a spokesman for the Alaska region of the North American Aerospace Defense Command.

They were met by Canadian planes from NORAD, which is jointly operated by the U.S. and Canadian militaries.

At least five exercises by the Russian Tu-95 Bear heavy bombers have taken place off Alaska's Aleutian Islands and other historic Cold War outposts, such as Cape Lisburne and St. Lawrence Island, according to NORAD records.

All occurred beyond the 12-mile boundary that constitutes U.S. airspace and have involved two to six aircraft. Each time, Russia alerted the U.S. through reports in Russian news agencies, Herritage said.

The bombers have been met by fighter jets, usually F-15s.

"They used to have them from time to time, but not nearly in this frequency," Herritage said. "These exercises used to be more common during the Cold War."

The exercises come amid troubled relations between Russia and the West and are seen by some as intimidating moves by an increasingly assertive Russia, but Herritage said the exercises are not a cause for alarm.

"The recent exercises appear to be routine training activities," he told The Associated Press. "They are nowhere near U.S. airspace."

President Vladimir Putin announced in August that Russia was resuming long-range bomber flights over the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans for the first time since the breakup of the Soviet Union.

Russian Air Force officials in Moscow could not be reached for comment after hours. They have repeatedly said that the planes were not violating any nation's airspace or any international agreements.

But in mid-September, British and Norwegian jets intercepted Russian military aircraft after they breached NATO airspace close to the U.K. and Finland. And on a handful of occasions this year, NATO nations including Britain and Norway have sent fighters to escort Russian bombers nearing their territory.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Weather Satellite

Using a Icom PCR1000 and a turnstile antenna that I built with scrap wire. And WXtoImg software to decode the signal. Was able to receive some good looking images from NOAA 15, NOAA 17 and NOAA 18 on 137 MHz.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Logs 9/6

1403UTC 8983KHz CAMSLANT calling CG 2127(HU-25 ATC Mobile) flight ops normal.

1434UTC 11175KHz Ranger 75 Radio Check two radio's with Offutt.
1542UTC 11175KHz LA 052(F-15) calling Andrews for a patch.

1634UTC 8983KHz CAMSLANT calling CG 1711(HC-130H7 CGAS Elizabeth City) requesting location.
1650UTC 8983KHz CG 2117(HU-s5A CGAS Miami) calling CAMSLANT "5 POB destination CGAS Miami"
1655UTC 8983KHz CAMSLANT calling CG 6003(MH-60J Elizabeth City)
1658UTC 8983KHz CG 2139(HU25 CT CGAS Cape Cod) "6 POB destination home port"
1824UTC 8983KHz CAMSLANT calling CG 1711 No Joy

1859UTC 11232KHz CANFORCE calling Trent Millitary.

1915UTC 8983KHz CG 1711 and CG 2117 with CAMSLANT "On Final to Home Base"

2010UTC 8788KHz Weather.

2055UTC 8983KHz Rescue 2120 calling CAMSLANT "5 POB headed 15mi South of Apalachicola FL" Begin Radio Guard.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007



1515UTC 11232KHz CANFORCE with unheard station. CANFORCE asking where they are doing training and where they are having lunch. Red Dear for lunch??

1632UTC 11175KHz Andrews with EAM.
1656UTC 11175KHz Lima Fox(LF-161 VP-16 P3 JAX) calling Puerto Rico for phone patch. "Ground Station has data for Playmate. No voice freq. for Playmate." Puerto Rico "Can leave patch up for as long as needed."

1942UTC 8983 2121(HU-25A ATC Mobile) calling CAMSLANT Chesapeake reporting "Ops Normal" CAMSLANT couldn't hear. Called again at 1947.


2012UTC 11175KHz Puerto Rico with Viking 17 phone patch.
2105UTC 11175KHz 8992KHz Andrews EAM.

8:41PM 1060KHz KYW News, Traffic(I95 road work) Commercials(Minute Rice, Boston Med Group-ED)Weather(High in 80's current 78 at Independence Mall)Sports(Philadelphia3 Braves1)


1825UTC 11175KHz Puerto Rico Standing by.
2150UTC 15205KHz DW Radio, Christmas in August.
2243UTC 3923KHz North Carolina HF Evening Net.
2255UTC 417KHz HQT Beacon Harnett NC.

8:17PM 710KHz WOR, Michael Savage. (NY)
8:51PM 760KHz WJR, Mark Levin taking phone calls.(Detroit)
8:57PM 810KHz WGY, Michael Savage.(NY)