Wednesday, September 5, 2007



1515UTC 11232KHz CANFORCE with unheard station. CANFORCE asking where they are doing training and where they are having lunch. Red Dear for lunch??

1632UTC 11175KHz Andrews with EAM.
1656UTC 11175KHz Lima Fox(LF-161 VP-16 P3 JAX) calling Puerto Rico for phone patch. "Ground Station has data for Playmate. No voice freq. for Playmate." Puerto Rico "Can leave patch up for as long as needed."

1942UTC 8983 2121(HU-25A ATC Mobile) calling CAMSLANT Chesapeake reporting "Ops Normal" CAMSLANT couldn't hear. Called again at 1947.


2012UTC 11175KHz Puerto Rico with Viking 17 phone patch.
2105UTC 11175KHz 8992KHz Andrews EAM.

8:41PM 1060KHz KYW News, Traffic(I95 road work) Commercials(Minute Rice, Boston Med Group-ED)Weather(High in 80's current 78 at Independence Mall)Sports(Philadelphia3 Braves1)


1825UTC 11175KHz Puerto Rico Standing by.
2150UTC 15205KHz DW Radio, Christmas in August.
2243UTC 3923KHz North Carolina HF Evening Net.
2255UTC 417KHz HQT Beacon Harnett NC.

8:17PM 710KHz WOR, Michael Savage. (NY)
8:51PM 760KHz WJR, Mark Levin taking phone calls.(Detroit)
8:57PM 810KHz WGY, Michael Savage.(NY)

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