Tuesday, August 21, 2007

11175 KHz Hurricane Hunter Log

8/20/07 2320UTC 11175 KHz. TEAL 70 (53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron) phone patch with Miami via Puerto Rico. Hurricane Dean update. Miami could not here all. TEAL 70 called back at 0011 with repeat of last report.

Sent email Reception Report to the only email address I could find. Below is response I got back.


This wasn’t the best address to send to but I will forward your email to the NHC in Miami. For future reference, confirmation emails for this information is best sent to nsep.nhc.carcah@noaa.gov

The information on Hurricane Dean you were relaying was indeed sent to NHC via a different station later in the flight.

Thank you,

MSgt. Randy Bynon
Loadmaster/Dropsonde Systems Operator
53WRS "Hurricane Hunters"

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